3月, 2012

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Report:St.Patrick’s Day Parade Motomachi & Harajuku & MAKUHARI March 17th and 18th and 20th

月曜日, 3月 19th, 2012

St.Patrick’s day parade

MOTOMACHI (Kanagawa)    Could not send the Band because of  Heavy rain

HARAJUKU (Tokyo)               A little Rain but we must go and play!

After Parade with Mr.and Mrs. Ambasader if Ireland!

MAKUHARI Chiba Pref.

Finally Whiskey Joe is waiting the order start Guiness!

Report:Burns Supper 2012 St.Andrews Society & Japan Scotland Society

日曜日, 3月 11th, 2012

2月24日 恵比寿ロビンズクラブにてSt.Anderws Society Burns Supper

2月25日 浜松町PIGAR にて日本スコットランド協会 Scottish Night(Burns Supper)
